My sister and brother went to a 3D movie.
Guess who she gave the glasses.

My little superman obsessed boys.
He went through a phase not long ago when he had to have a comb over all the time.
He said he had to look like Clark Kent.
I was the mom with the comb over kid…
A loud noise that only superman can hear.
I was messing with him and asking him what was the matter.
“Why can’t you stay?”
“You can’t just leave?”
I am constantly trying to get him to reveal his secret identity.
I am mean like that.
He is cute.
So funny!
He said he needed pictures of him pushing them up because that is what superman does.
“I really don’t like pretenders.”

They asked me which one looked the most like Clark Kent.
After a deer in the headlights moment and a lot of incoherent mumbling.
I changed the subject.
Thanks Aunt Deborah and Uncle Charles for a lot of mild mannered alter ego fun!