It had been awhile since we had been canoeing.

Saturday ended up being a perfect day for it!

We like to get off the beaten path were possible to see the really amazing stuff.

The boys like to be dropped off to walk and explore.

We started to see a lot of Egrets and Heron’s.

Then the boys started to run loudly and I despaired of seeing any wildlife.

Their loud running ended up disturbing a nesting site for Heron’s.

I did not even know they nested in groups.

It was one of those awe inspiring moments.

Sometimes it is months between seeing anything remarkable while hiking and canoeing.

But these moments always make it worth it.

Nest after nest, up high in the trees.

There are so many amazing things to see in Oklahoma.

I was not a fan of the tunnel…

I survived though.
I just tried not to think about spiders…

A great evening exploring Oklahoma with my family.