Tag Archives: 4yr old

Last week as a 4yr old ~Day 1

My last week with a 4yr old.


Didn’t I just take his 3yr old pics?

My little jokester.

He says the most outrageous things and loves to take you literally.

If I say something wrong he loves to pounce on it and pretend that is what I actually meant.

It is hard to hold back smiles when around this little cutie.

I thought Day 14 of my 30 Day project was appropriate.

He was trying to tell me something but just cannot be still long enough to finish.

I love that this pic catches his little dimple also.

I love this little man!

Last Days as a 4yr old~ Day 1

He is my dreamer.

My a little too emotional one.

My asker of a hundred questions.

My oldest.

My soon to be five year old!

I decided in January when my youngest little man was turning three that I wanted to capture a picture of them for their last week before their birthday.

It is my way of letting go.

Sort of.

Not really.

I might be holding on even more.

No, I am letting go.

I am sure I will be able to call him a five year old sometime.

Maybe in a couple of years…