I love teaching history.
It’s my favorite subject and definitely one of the easiest subjects for me to teach.
But for the past several years I have struggled teaching it.
My oldests boys are getting more and more independent in their learning so they don’t need me to line up projects for them or read to them.
I do a little bit with my 4yr old for her preschool but am pretty limited in time and attention span with her.
My twins have to learn separately so trying to do things all together does not usually work out.
Every once in a while I try but it usually does not end well.
Add to that we struggle to get the main subjects done with the twins and I had to give up extra ones for now.
They get a little bit from documentaries and sometimes I have the boys read them school books at bedtime but the fun extras just don’t make it right now.
I used to share a lot more of our homeschool on here but this is one of the reasons I don’t share as much.
Do you get to teach all the subjects you want to in your school or do you have seasons that you just have to buckle down and get the main things done also?