Well I have been quiet on here because when life is overwhelming stuff gets cut.
My husband went on a business trip all last week and got back Saturday so I did what I always do.
I ran around like crazy.
I don’t like to be cooped up with 5 hyper kids, I would rather see interesting things.
1st up was the Tulsa Zoo
We actually went to the zoo right from the airport and then a friend met up with us a little later to help!
I have pretty great friends, so many helped us out.
It was a little chilly out so my kids were happy to be in the desert exhibit.
The weather did not warm up as much as I thought it would so we had some cold kids but we also had a pretty empty zoo.
Heat never seems to scare okies away but 50 degrees will.
So that is my favorite time to go to the zoo of course.
How do you cope when one parent needs to go out of town?
Do you run around like crazy also or that just me?