The Tulsa Zoo at sunset
Digging for crystals at the Salt Plains ~Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge
You can dig for selenite crystals at the Salt Plains during the summer!
More info on crystal digging on their site, here.
Although we have visited the area several times, this was our first time digging.
One of these days I will get to watch a sunrise or sunset here.
It is on my “bucket list”.
I am not organized enough to write it down, I just keep telling myself someday.
I was not sure before we got there if the kids would actually enjoy doing this but they were crazy about it!
I should have guessed.
They think looking for rocks in our yard is exciting.
They kept yelling “we’re rich!!!!”
You will get muddy so be prepared.
And it was crazy windy!!!!
Shortly after I took this pic Little Bit smeared the mud all over her legs…
She was super proud of how muddy she was, until it started drying…
You will need a shovel and plenty of sunscreen!
There are several overlooks around the refuge.
We went on the wildlife drive in the refuge and I was surprised when we did see quite a few egrets.
Usually we like to go on these at dawn and dusk since that is when more animals are out and about.
They have some easy hikes that you can go on in the refuge also.
We played at the beach in the Salt Plains State Park also.
It has a really nice sandy beach but the waves were pretty intense and the water was very dirty looking.
Not sure if it was windier than normal or not.
I did not take my camera swimming with us so not pics from that except on my instagram account.
I did take my gopro so maybe I can put a video together.
I saw this pretty lake on our way to the salt plains and wanted to be sure to stop and take pics on the way home.
Nick stayed in the vehicle with the kids and I walked down to a boat ramp to take pics.
It was so peaceful after so many hours in the vehicle with 5 kids.
If you have kids that like to treasure hunt than you should check out crystal digging at the Salt Plains!
It was so much fun and a lot easier than I thought!