Labor Day Vacation 2017 ~ Day 1 ~ Arcadia Lake

The first stop of our 4 night camping trip was Arcadia Lake in OKC.

We knew it would be busy so we hoped getting there on a Thursday would help.

We snagged the last spot with electric because I called earlier in the day and prepaid!

They filled up fast!

Which of course made me really nervous about finding a spot in our final destination, Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge.

All the camping spots we stayed in were first come first serve, no reservations.


Our first spot was right next to the playground.

It was a pretty place but really close to a big city and the sites are close.

I was glad we were not staying more than one night.


They thought the pictures of their beads sticking out were funny and kept wanting to do it.


I found these boots because of  youtuber’s that travels fulltime in an airstream with their daughter.

They a really sturdy and easy to clean!

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This was our first time using the camper!

We wanted something that made camping in the Oklahoma heat easier, fits all our kids, but was not huge.

It worked out great for us!

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Beautiful view early the next morning before we left to head south.


My cute tag along.


She decided she wanted to go back with the others and started slowly walking back to the campsite to see if I would follow.

3yr olds are a riot.


We mostly just slept in the trailer.

Eating and playing outside.

That helped keep everyone(mostly me) sane(ish).


I was so stressed leaving this site!

I had no clue if we would be able to find a place to stay that night!

I am so glad we took the chance though!

Jasmine Moran Children’s Museum ~Seminole, OK

It had been a while for some of my kids since we last came to the Jasmine Moran Children’s Museum and some had never been.


It is like a children’s village inside a building.

Complete with a plane cockpit sticking out of a wall…

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They can pretend to be teachers.








Apparently crooked butchers…

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Around each corner is a different way to play and pretend.


Like an Ambulance sticking out of a wall.

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We get the OMN membership added onto our Tulsa Children’s Museum membership so we can get 5 people in this museum using that.

Every time we go I forget how big it is…

Why do kids bounce back so quickly?

Why can’t they be worn out all day like adults after going to places like this?

Solar Eclipse


We did a few last minute projects yesterday on the solar eclipse.


The chalk drawings can be found, here.


The models of the moon’s orbit are, here.


I did not buy glasses so we watched the shadows change into cresents.


The four oldest did look once with their dad’s welding mask.

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It was nice to hang out in the middle of the day and it feel the temperature drop like it was evening.

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The shadows were so pretty!

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