Around our school

We do school all over the house.

Dining room Living room Kitchen Porch Although I might drool all over beautiful homeschool room tours, I don’t know that one would work for us. Most of my kids need to have space or they can’t do their school work. On a nice day we can leave our front door open and have even more space 😉 Like for bubble blowing. So this little one is not bothering a big sister trying to do math. My twins need to SEE math.

Every part of it.

RightStart Math is very hands on but even that is not enough for them, so we bought these Base Ten Blocks.

When they still could not see how many tens are in a thousand we bought 100 tens.

I thought they would be overwhelmed at building a thousand cube out of tens but they both wanted to do it. So while this one blew bubbles. Her sisters saw that there are 100 tens in a thousand.
Do you have a favorite math manipulative?

Do you have a designated learning space?

Lots of Butterflies!

I like to walk on a bike path near my husbands work.

We got a nice surprise on our last visit of hundreds of butterflies!

We would be walking and suddenly they were everywhere!

They really liked to land on the back of my neck.
It did freak me out a bit but I tried to keep my cool since I was the adult.

Ha My girls went between loving it and freaking out. They seemed to like my oldests’ daughters bright shirt. My two younger girls were not very happy that they were not getting landed on. I believe they are Painted Lady Butterflies. Little bit was being chased by a butterfly. This one did not want to leave and just hung out for a long time. I decided this was a good time to try getting a shot with all my kids in it! I was wrong.

I did not get one shot with everyone looking.


Oh well, we will just go with a nice casual shot. Trying to be super still so a butterfly will land on them. She did not like her pet butterfly moving to her neck… He thought it was funny. She freaked out right after this.

Yes, I took a video.

But also I helped move the butterfly along.


She finally got a butterfly!

It ended up staying with her the rest of the time! Her butterfly flew off before we could get one more pic. This one did not want to leave.I was told by one of my daughters that this was the best walk ever!

Check out the video I made of all the butterflies!

Warning, might contain squealing.