Nick had just been gone for a whole week earlier this month so one night seemed almost too easy.
Then 4 kids got colds and the weather turned nasty.
On Tuesday after dropping him off at the airport I decided to take advantage of being in town and went for a hike at Oxley Nature Center.
We took the Bird Creek Trail.
Tuesday actually went okay but the next day I decided to do a normal school day and we stayed home. Apparently we do better when we only do fun things all day.
Who knew? Next time he leaves I am running around like a crazy person again and doing ALL THE THINGS.
Plus, being in the woods just makes me happy.
I should just hike the whole time he is gone.
Or I should live in the woods.
Wednesday was cold and overcast with freezing drizzle off and on all day. All this energy should not be kept inside all day… At least our puppy is cute.Glad we are back to 2 adults per 5 kids.
This book is a great place to start for some christian apologetics and maybe help an older child see history through a biblical point of view.
If you believe God created man intelligent than all of history makes more sense.
Noah’s Ark, Stonehenge, The Tower of Babel, Indus Valley, all of these things point to ancient man being intelligent.
You will also notice a giant boom of civilizations after the Tower of Babel. Which would make sense if everyone suddenly spoke different languages.
The author wrote a study guide to go with this book and the boys loved it!
Up until this year I have mostly just had the boys reading a lot for history and science, this year I have been having them actually delve deeper and research.
It definitely pushes them a bit since they are in 7th grade and it was designed for more 9th-12th but they are learning so much!
I love that it helps them see how the bible fits into history.
All of these resources introduce the idea that maybe the excepted timeline for the pharaohs is off.
If you can open yourself to that possibility then you start finding a lot of evidence to the Exodus.
You can read more about it on Answers in Genesis site, here.
I never really understood how important those detailed lists of “begats” were before.
God gave us a timeline.
At the same time we are listening to this amazing audio adventure series called Jonathan Park.
I have been using this series for a while to help teach scientific creationism but these two new adventures happen to be teaching about the same time period we are learning about!
I always come away from listening with new information to look up.
I love that this series pushes me to understand the bible even more.
I had bought the movie “Patterns of Evidence” a while ago and really enjoyed it. It talks all about the evidence for the bible in the egyptian timeline.
On the last two days without Nick(he was in Poland for a week), I was feeling burnt out.
So on Friday I decided to not go anywhere in the morning but did visit my parents who were in town in the afternoon.
Afterwards we went to the Washington Irving Park and I noticed that this nature area that I have seen for years finally had a trail in it!
It was pretty short but with this short hike and walking around the park I felt extra confidence to attempt taking all five of my kids into a store. We survived the store and I actually felt so good we ran into ANOTHER STORE! I know! Crazy, right?We played outside until dark because I feel better outside.
I would have prefered to stay home again on Saturday but that did not seem like it would work so we headed to the Fort Gibson Wildlife Management Area.
We were not there at a great time to see animals and I could not find a good place to go for a walk so we went to the Sequoyah State Park nearby.It had been a little while since I had been and the last time it was summer and TONS of ticks so I forgot how great it is. They want to going camping there now. They played on the playground, went to the nature center and went for a hike!The girl at the nature center was awesome with my kids and their thousands of questions. She told us all about the animals they are keeping there and it was a great way to end our week!We went on the Whispering Pines Trail and it was pretty.