The little princess& her brothers~Sapulpa Area Child Photographer

Can I just say how much I LOVE it when people choose my house as the location for their shoot! Especially when it gives me some beautiful light like on this night!

This little cutie has gotten so big since her last session at 3months!

I loved getting to a chance to capture these adorable kids again and I love that little sister gets to interact with her big brothers.

When they got too far away she would start calling out, “bubba”. Made me smile every time.

Here she is, Penny is 1yr old!

She has to know how adorable she is!

Hunting for nuts.

I love this family!

That kind of day

Someday’s you just need to have breakfast on the couch while watching a movie.

Because this mom was feeling lazy and this little man was not feeling well.

Most of the time when this happens it is only because of my laziness.

And maybe a little bit of my inner child coming out.

I always wanted to eat breakfast while watching cartoons.

It just did not happen very often.

This is all your fault mom.

If only you had let me eat all my meals as a child in front of the tv.

I am sure the scars will heal one day.