I have taken up another daily photo project.

I am not sure yet how long it will be.

I go out every night after getting kids to bed and walk around our yard.

That in and of itself is relaxing and making it worthwhile.

I used to walk outside in the evenings a lot when I was teenager.

I love watching the changes that are happening every day.

The little things that I never noticed.

Like a plants first flower.

Or new bugs that are coming out as we enter summer.

Sometimes one of the boys will be out there and I can’t resist snapping a shot.

Sometimes I feel nostalgic of when I did my first photo project, 365 self portraits.
That was about 8yrs ago.

I am finding that I am improving my dog photography since our dog Milo is an interesting subject.

So far I am 27 days in.
I am wondering how long I can find things to take pictures of in our yard.
You would think I would run out eventually!
But for now I am enjoying the challenge and the chance to end the day in peace and quiet.
Have you ever done a daily project?
What did you think?