Nick’s parents have mules and a pony so riding lessons always happen while we visit!
Milo was so spoiled while up there!
My cute nephew!
Grandpa was sacrificed in the name of keeping girls entertained…
Next up we went to the Chahinkapa Zoo in Wahpeton.
We got a discount from our local zoo membership! It is a small zoo but actually has a lot to see!
By the time anyone was even somewhat in the picture my second oldest was kind of done…
He smiled the first 5 times I tried though.
Ha My kids probably saw this same look from me several times while Nick was gone…
Love watching these girls together.
The girls decided to play gymnastics while up there and roped the two youngest into being students.
This girl is crazy strong.
We kept the next day super light with a trip to a local park and I got to go pick up Nick from the airport alone!
I was so happy he was back!
And I was happy he would be there to get kids to go back to sleep that night!