Hats, haircuts, and washi tape…

I could have just titled this post random but where would the fun be in that?


First off, I made a hat from a sweater!

Usually these sorts of things are epic fails for me but this one worked out!


I actually mashed together three different tutorials to make this.

This was another reason I was surprised that it turned out.

For the sizing part, I used this one.

For how to cut it into a slouch shape and how to connect the top, I used this one.

For how to sew the top, I used this one.

I did all of the sewing by hand since I do not have a machine.


I like how it turned out but if I did it again, I would probably cut it in more of a rectangle like the last link.


I wore this all day and really liked it!

Score for being to cheap to buy a new hat!


In other news, this boy was in dire need of a haircut.


We were hanging out at their fort and I was thinking how nice it would be to cut it outside.


I then remembered that the extension cord was still out by the fort because Nick is still working on it.


So this wild haired boy went inside and got the clippers…


It’s gone!


No more wild hair!

Plus, no mess to clean up!


I think he was happy to be rid of it.

Too much maintenance.


Also, I gave up on washi tape for my family wall.

I tried two different kinds and it peeled right off.

I am still too cheap to buy more white picture frames right now though so I just hung some of the prints with these clips I found at Hobby Lobby.

Has anyone else tried to hang things with washi tape and it failed?

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