Here is the curriculum choices I have made so far for 10th grade, 5th grade, and 2nd grade for my 5 kids.
Here is what I will be using for 2nd Grade.

Math –Math Lessons for a Living Education Level 1&2 (we started level 1 late in the year so we still have some left).

Language Arts –Language Lessons for a Living Education Level 2 Masterbooks and Language Arts and Literature Level K The Good and the Beautiful (will also continue using TG&TB Handwriting Level 1).
Here is what my twins will be using for 5th Grade.

Language Arts–
Spelling Skills Grade 2 by Harcourt Family Learning
Success with Grammar Grade 2 with Scholastic
Print Handwriting Workbooks by Ellie Roberts
Nonfiction Reading Practice Grade 3 & 4 by Even-Moor
Reading Comprehension Skill Sheets Grade 3 by Abeka

Science for my three youngest (grades 5th & 2nd) –Enjoying God’s World Science Reader by Abeka and My First Book About Weather.

I love how the facts are presented in a simple, easy to understand way.

My First Book about Weather is a coloring book that explains facts about the weather, there are others in the series that I can get if we like this one.
We will also supplement with youtube videos and other education videos.

Social Studies for my three youngest –My Story Level 2 by Masterbooks and Our History HIS Story by Belinda Bullard
We will also supplement with the Atlas’ shown here, The Passport books, and Youtube (we really like the travel videos for all the different countries and street food vlogs).
10th Grade Curriculum for my two boys.

History and Literature –When I was a Child by Belinda J. Bullard.

Government –You Decide! Applying the Bill of Rights to Real Cases.

Handwriting –Learning Cursive Handwriting Practice.
Math -Dual Enrollment Trigonometry classes with a local college (they did Algebra with them last year and it went very well).
Science -Dual Enrollment Biology Class at Local College.
Economics –Dave Ramsey’s Foundations in Personal Finance Highschool.
Spanish -Duo Lingo and possible a Dual Enrollment Class for the Spring Semester
Elective –Programming
I am still using to keep track of the highschool credits the boys are earning as well as enrollment. It also fills out their highschool transcripts for me!