Category Archives: Photo Projects

How often is enough?

As I tried to work up the motivation to take my weekly pic with my boys I was reminded of why I do it.

This is a picture from my 365 project.

In my mind it JUST happened.

Then I look at it and realize my youngest does not have that adorable little baby face and my oldest is quickly growing into a boy.

I do not have toddlers anymore.

When did that happen?


How did time go so fast?

I will look back when only a moment seems to have passed and not see this little man anymore.

He will be bigger and more confident.

Maybe he will not want to sit in mommy’s lap.

Maybe a little bug on a flower will not cause this look of wonder.

My six year old is quickly growing.

Changing everyday it seems.

One moment little boy and another a little man.

So for now I will take my pictures with my boys every week if I can.

I will hold them until they are too big to be held.

And I will have the pictures of not just what they were like at this age but how we were.

How I loved.

And was loved by two little boys.

Check out Emily over at Anderson Crew to see more about getting yourself in the shot.