Category Archives: Photo Projects

I am going to miss this ~Make believe

I painted a mask on his face because we did not like the mask that came with his new robin suit.

I am odd that way.

It needed to be complete!

He was too busy making faces at his reflection in the window to look at me.

Jedi knight Luke Skywalker…

He wanted to wear his black pajama bottoms and cape everywhere!

My husband made him Thor’s hammer!

So of course he was calling down lightning all day.

Cutest Robin ever.

One day they will be too old to pretend.

I will cherish every cape, mask, weapon, and pair of tights while they are here!

What moment do you want to remember today?

Look around your house in a different way today, look for things that are fleeting.

Let them make you smile.

My boys and I ~Zoo take 2

I am joining Emily over at the anderson crew again today to get myself in the shot!

I thought I would give the information on my camera settings for these pics for a little change.

Whether you want to know or not!

These were taken in mid day sun.

I put the sun behind us.

The sun reflecting off the bridge did put some light in our faces though.

The zoo map my boy decided to bring into the pics did an even better job of putting light in our faces!

I am going to pretend he did it on purpose.

I took these with my Nikon D300s, 50mm 1.4 lens.

Aperture was set at 1.8

Shutter speed 1/4000

ISO 400 (after getting asked about this I decided I should probably explain! A lower ISO is better for bright light. I had just not changed it from earlier. It does not matter much on my camera

but if you have an entry level dslr it might make your picture grainy to have a high iso)

If you have a DSLR make sure you are USING it!

I like to encourage people to at least keep their camera in Aperture Priority (that controls how much is in focus).

That way you can at least get those blurry backgrounds for portraits.

I wore totally impracticable shoes to the zoo this time.

No tennis shoes!

I like to step out of the typical mommy uniform sometimes.

So I wore a skirt and boots!!!

I have found long skirts work pretty well with my boys.

I had a pretty interesting incident in a knee length skirt before though…

Little boys like to wrap their arms around legs.

Floor length is a much safer choice!!!!

I am going to miss this ~Decorating the Tree

Decorating the Christmas tree was a big deal when I was growing up.

We would gather around and wait anxiously for my mom to hand us an ornament to hang on our freshly picked out tree.

Our favorites were the ones we knew were ours.

The one with a picture of a cute baby on it and our name under it.

Or the one with babies first Christmas written on it and our birth year.

Knowing I will not always have little hands so happy to help decorate the tree I decided to give them free reign.

My youngest said the ribbon needed to be in a pile to keep the tree warm.

They were so happy to hang every ornament.

So many memories wrapped up in each one.

One day I will have a perfectly decorated tree.

The beads will be hanging nice and neat, not sagging down.

The ornaments will be all over and not in one spot.

What a sad little tree that will be.

I will enjoy my tree of today and the little boys that helped me decorate it.

Perfection is in the eye of the beholder.

To me my tree is perfect.