Finally starting on the Christmas tree.
I did not finish…
It will come down sometime before next Christmas.
I am already struggling to find genuine moments that I can set up a tripod to capture!
It is so much easier to just set up the tripod where I want it then put the boys into the shot.
We went hiking, grocery shopping, and to the library earlier in the day but I could not figure out how to get a shot of myself hiking with the boys without stopping what we were doing!
I guess it would not be a challenge if it was not challenging!
I let Justin set the time on his timer.
He uses it for quiet time.
For some reason it is a BIG deal when he gets to use it for other things as well.
Rhubarb strawberry crisp, yum.
Recipe, here.
My oldest loves to help in the kitchen.
I really am working at letting him help more.
He might outgrow it!
The main reason I do not always let him help is that I am bad with distractions and tend to forget ingredients.
Thankfully even I cannot mess up steamed veggies!
After lunch I thought I would finally help my oldest finish his lego kit he got for Christmas.
He had already dumped all the blocks in with the rest of his lego’s.
An hour later…
I love movie characters in lego form.
It is a good thing I like playing with lego’s just as much as my boys do.
We finished just in time for quiet time!
At least he had something fun to do!