Category Archives: Photo Projects

Getting caught up.

Here are some of my 30 Day pics that I have not shared yet!

Day 15


Day 16


Had to share his silly face!

Day 18

I let my husband take this one.

We do a lot of hiking and walking so I wanted to include it in my “life” project but I could not figure out how I could set up a tripod and get a shot I wanted of us walking.

I decided I wanted the shot even if I was not the one taking it.

Day 19

I wanted a shot of our hands while walking.

This was the best I could do with one hand while walking!

Have a great day and make sure you capture a moment to remember!

Last week as a 4yr old ~Day 2

I took this photo two years ago almost to the day.

I caught these this morning.

These two are a little too much sun for me but I was in front of the lens and not behind it.

It makes it harder to adjust my shot.

I still love them though.

Sleepy little boy.

I am counting some of these as my 30 Day pic.

I love that he still thinks throwing a blanket on top of himself means he is hiding.

Making himself and I a sandwich.

Last week as a 4yr old ~Day 1

My last week with a 4yr old.


Didn’t I just take his 3yr old pics?

My little jokester.

He says the most outrageous things and loves to take you literally.

If I say something wrong he loves to pounce on it and pretend that is what I actually meant.

It is hard to hold back smiles when around this little cutie.

I thought Day 14 of my 30 Day project was appropriate.

He was trying to tell me something but just cannot be still long enough to finish.

I love that this pic catches his little dimple also.

I love this little man!