Category Archives: Photo Projects

Self Portrait ~Days 5 & 6

Day 5

I shot this on my driveway with the sun behind me.

If you look at the picture below you can see that one part of the driveway is very bright.

I sat in the shaded part and let that nice bright part light my face.

Nick was working on the vehicles while I was taking this.

Day 6

I took all of these with my camera on a tripod with the interval timer going.

Then the boys decided they wanted to take them while the camera was still on the tripod…

This is when my youngest realized his brother had taken control.

My littlest turn.

If you make taking pictures fun for your kids they will be more willing to cooperate.

Self Portrait ~Day 4

Shot with my D300s, 50mm, F/2, Shutter 1/1600, ISO 320.

I said that I was hoping this newest photo project would help me to explore new areas of my yard and this is a spot I do not use often.

This is what I saw when I came out my door and decided it would work.

I decided to put the sun behind me as it was 4:18pm and still a little bright to be on my face.

I loved that after I sat under that tree I realized what an amazing place it was to just listen and breathe.

Birds were singing, the sun was shinning, I was content to sit and forget about the camera.

Have you set a goal recently to push yourself to grow?

It might be inconvenient but the effort is always worth it for me in the end.

Self Portrait ~Day 3

I woke up to complete stillness.

The power was out from the storm.

I smiled.

I will tell you why.

There is a peacefulness that comes with absolutely nothing electronic on in our home.

A quiet that I forget the sound of after a while.

It is refreshing to me to know that I have limited options of what I can do for the day.

A change of pace.

I am forced to pause and breathe.

I cannot do anything when I get up because I cannot see.

I take my cup of tea to a window and just listen to the stillness.

I take joy in the simple task of lighting our stove top, opening the curtains, and avoiding the dark places.

I see it as an adventure.

A chance to prove myself.

We spend our morning trying to get things done without power.

School was moved to the brightest room.

Lunch was made with what might spoil first if it takes to long for the power to come back.

Clothes in the wash were hung on a rack.

Then, hours later I hear the hum of machines all starting up at the same time.

It is back on.

My other life has begun again.