Category Archives: Photo Projects

His point of view…

Here are the pics my youngest took when I asked him to take a picture of his brother and I.

I am including my “I am going to miss this” post with these.

One day focusing will be easy.

Feet pictures will not cause giggles.

And more giggles.

Lifting feet for pictures will pass.

These pictures tell a story.

Even if it was not the one I intended.

They show two goofy little boys that love to laugh.

They may grow up to be more serious.

I will miss those goofy little boys.

And their laughter over pictures of feet.

He took pictures I did not know I needed but would not want to do without.

Have you cherished a moment today?

Going to Miss This ~Haircuts

I have so many memories of sitting on a stool in my parents kitchen while my mom cut my hair.

Usually there was a line of us waiting for our turn.

I have 4 siblings so I wonder if at times my mom felt like she had her own salon…

I will not always get to cut my boys hair.

They might want someone that actually knows what they are doing or even have their wife do it for them.

I am going to cherish these little haircuts.

They are fleeting and precious.

Have you stopped to cherish a fleeting moment today?