Category Archives: Photo Projects

Everday Moment

tea morning morning2This is for the 3rd Embrace the camera challenge “everyday moment”.

He stopped joining me in the mornings for a little while, then recently started climbing in my lap again.

I wait for the sound of his little feet in the morning and the feel of his little hugs.

I am joining with Ashley and Emily to embrace the camera this week.

Are you getting in front of the camera this week?

Check out their site’s and get in the shot!

Day 1

Day 2

Going to Miss This


When I started this project it was because I wanted to cherish and document those moments that my boys grow out of.

This was taken this morning.

My youngest does not get up and snuggle in my lap anymore.

He goes and quietly plays with legos.

I am so glad I took a moment to appreciate those early morning snuggles with my boy.


This quiet lego play will not be there forever.

I will not hear doors opening and closing over and over again.

Silence is not always golden.

I will miss my little early morning noise maker.