Category Archives: Photo Projects

Going to miss this ~Breakfast

mornings mornings2I am going to miss having breakfast with these two.

It helps to look at nice images like this when your 5 yr old has decided to start everyday with crying.

This morning it was because his brother got him a napkin he did not want…

Yes, a napkin.

How could he.

Shockingly I did not punish his brother for such a heinous crime.

hotAh, see much better.

I will just focus on the quiet breakfast moments that sometimes happen.

Because I know that I will miss noisy mornings.

Faces and morning walks

facestogether2 facestogetherThe boys woke up around six this morning so I decided I would make them go for a walk to watch the sun rise.

facessmilingI took my camera so we could do our Embrace the Camera challenge for today in the beautiful light.

Today’s challenge was faces.


myboyThis boys coloring was made for morning light…


whistleHe has also learned to whistle.

He does it all day long…

plottingThis is a face I know very well.

It his plotting, planning, I have an idea face.

I love that mastermind smile.

Join Emily and Ashley to embrace the camera today and get in the shot!


The prompt for today’s photo challenge is “creative”.

I am not sure if what I did was creative or not but I tried!

sunrise sunrise2 sunrise3The sunrise was beautiful this morning.

Before you think this is a beautiful sweet moment with my son I should probably tell you he told me I had a mustache in the middle of these…

Then we had a whole facial hair discussion.


Embracing the camera this week with Emily and Ashley!

Join in and get in the shot!

A lot people are just taking pictures with their camera phones and posting on instagram.

Just add #embracethecamera to your shot after you put it up.