Category Archives: Photo Projects

30 Day Project ~Day 4 “Clark Kent”

30daysI told him if he got dressed up in his Clark Kent outfit, I would fix his hair like him.

reporterAnd take pictures of course.

thinking takeingnotesHe went around writing “news” stories for a while after I took these.

writing notepad note noglassesI just realized I should have bought some of those school uniforms that were on sale a little while ago!

They would have been perfect for my little Clark Kent.

I will have to remember that for next year!

30 Day Project ~Day 3 “Magic Tree House”

day3aboveOne of my favorite tips I read when I was first learning about photography was to change your angle.

day3To this day I still try to look from as many angles as possible.

downlowI was laying under the table for this one.

My boys are so used to my odd behavior they do not even notice.

handThat this boy is reading Magic Tree House books all on his own still gets to me.

readingI brought them with me to the dentist the other day and they both read for the whole hour.

aboveWhile in the waiting room I had no clue what to do with no one needing or wanting my attention.

closerReading is a beautiful thing.