Category Archives: Personal

My second shooter

We are having some BEAUTIFUL weather here recently!

I decided to take advantage of it and go to a local lake with my two little men.

At first we just sat in the SUV and ate our sandwiches with the windows down.

I can get this shot of him because was eating and still strapped in.

He would never sit that still otherwise.

My two little cuties.

We did a little impromtu photo shoot when we got out of the SUV (I really wish I was allowed to just say car! The men in my family will not stand for it.).

Can you guess who the photographer was?

That’s right, my 5yr old!

He loves to take pictures, which of course I hate…

I now have my own personal photographer following me around!

I love the mayo on his face.

I do not think I would recognize him if he was clean.

We were all ready for a picture but someone held the button down and just kept on clicking away…

and away…

and away…

Even this one started thinking it was funny.

Then he started walking around and turning the camera to get different shots.

He really warmed up to using mommy’s camera.

It was the first camera he ever used so he has no clue it should be intimidating.

I love the images he took!

He then proceeded to take pictures of other things.

Apparently we were too boring for him.

His first shot of this flower was from really far away (I am horrible with distances so I am not even going to try and say how far).

I told him he needed to get closer if he wanted a picture of the flower and not everything.

He did awesome.

I smiled when he said he needed to take a picture of my hair.

I love that little man.

My workspace ~before & after

I am going to be honest with you. I tend to set things down wherever is the most handy at the moment.

It leads to my desk looking like this…

Need to see more?

It can make you feel closed in.

I decided enough was enough and it was time to clean up my editing space!

My husbands parents where also coming down for a couple days, I found that to be a really great motivator.

There was a desk under there!

Who knew?

Editing should now be a much more pleasant experience.

Let see the before again.


I want to thank my in-laws for coming down and making this makeover possible.

My boys ask if someone is coming because I am cleaning the house…

Maybe if we had more people over my house would stay cleaner?

Probably not.

Happy Monday!