Category Archives: Personal

Birthday Surprise!

My husband was being a bit mysterious about a package that was going to be delivered but since it was going to be my birthday soon I did not ask any questions.

I needed to be home to sign for the package so I watched and waited all day. I was not sure it was for me but that did not change my trying to make sure I did not miss the delivery man.

I am nice like that.

He finally came late that night.

With a lens that my husband rented for me for my birthday trip!

It was a Nikon 70-200 2.8, for you photography people out there. It basically means you can zoom in far away with only a little bit being in focus, for you non-photography people.

I brought it over to my friends Stephanie’s house the next day so she could try it out and so the kids(I) could play.

We decided it was the lazy mans lens.

You can get beautiful pictures without moving from your comfy chair!

So, of course I loved it….

I have wanted this lens for a while but after listing pros and cons with my husband I had decided it would be heavy to haul around on hikes.

That is what I kept telling myself at least.

I got to test out that theory while hiking in the Ozarks.

We brought only the 70-200 on our first hike.

It was heavy but not too bad, this was only a 3 mile hike though, I was pretty sure I would be willing to throw it in a bush on a 10 mile one.

I did find myself missing my old lens a 18-200, it does not do as well in low light but it takes really nice wide shots.

The next morning we got up early and went driving around looking for Elk.

It was cloudy and they were far away so I had to zoom all the way in.

My other lens had some trouble getting sharp shots in those conditions.

This one did amazing.

I was getting a major crush on this lens.

We hiked some more and hauled it around with us.

We also brought my backup camera with the 18-200 so I could get a wide shot every once in a while.

I started to figure out how to hold it without feeling all that weight.

I was really liking it but in the back of my mind I knew I would have to return it.

So after we got back I said my goodbyes and shipped it off.

I thought that was the end of that lens for me.

Then yesterday Nick asked me if I could hang around for another package.

I said sure and did not think much of it.

This came in the mail.

He bought me the lens.

He explained that he just rented it to try it out and see if I liked it before buying it.

I loved it and was pouting that I had to give it back(running away to Mexico with it crossed my mind).

I guess that told him what he needed to know.

I am still in shock.

Not enough to not enjoy it though!

Praise the lord for an amazing husband that loves to make me smile.

I am blessed.

Birthdays were meant to be spent outdoors

I thought I had changed a lot since I was sixteen.

I don’t stand awkwardly in corners wishing I could just leave. (most of the time)

I don’t care so much about everybody liking me. (maybe)

I can’t really think of a big list of things right now but I would like to think I have grown up a little bit at least.

Imagine my surprise when I realized what I had asked for on my 28th birthday was the same thing I wanted on my 16th!

A cabin in the woods.

Maybe I had it together more then I thought.

“Mommy we got you a surprise, it is a card.”

The best kind of surprise is the one a little one has told you.

“You are going to share your cake, right?”

Nice people always share their cake.

Leaves were made to be thrown.

“Are we going to the cabin yet?”

I am glad I am not the only one that loves a cabin.

“Can we eat yet?”

Skipping breakfast to see elk is apparently not a 3 and 5yr olds idea of a good time.

Water, a boys best friend.

I spent a whole weekend exploring Arkansas with my three favorite men.

That is what I call a great birthday.