Category Archives: Personal

Baby it’s cold outside

I already shared one the pictures from this set yesterday but that is only because I could not wait until I finished editing them all!

My little man is so cute he deserves two posts anyway.

I try to be as fun as possible when I want my children to get in pictures with me.

I tell them to run to me and attack me, make silly faces, and love on them.

He just ran up and hugged me without my asking him to.

I had him hug me again with his face on the side with the camera but I liked this one better because he hugged me all on his own.

Hot chocolate to warm little bellies.

He gulped it down.

I was not sure I would even get a shot of his face until it was all gone.

He reminds me of winnie the pooh with a jar of honey when he does that.

It is never too cold to not play in water apparently.

This is him trying NOT to get wet and still break the ice, since mommy was mean and said he could not jump in it.

I am pretty cruel like that.


This was taken with my tripod this morning.

I find myself missing all the pictures I got with my daily photo project I finished this spring.

I need to just make it a priority to go out once a week with my boys and take some pictures with me and them.

I know I would miss this picture if I did not have it.

That makes sense to me at least…

Grab a tripod (or a chair) and get out there and take some pictures of you with your kids.


This fall brought something I have not had for a while.

A family member within 30miles of me.

My “little” brother (he towers over me) is going to school in the town right next to ours.

The boys pretty much see him as a giant toy.

He makes them ten feet tall just by picking them up.

Helps them put together legos.

He pretty much makes their little faces light up all day.

I can understand.

He and I spent many summers thinking up ways to scare my poor mother.

Setting fire to our “playhouse” with us in it.

Climbing trees as high as we could go.

Climbing up “cliffs”.

We challenged and pushed each other constantly.

He pretty much helped shape me into the person I am.

My boys love him.