Category Archives: Personal

Gingerbread House

I decided on a whim (the way I make most of my decisions) to do a real Gingerbread house this year.

Last year we did the Graham Cracker House/Shack.

We were in the store and my son saw one of the kits to make a real one and asked if we could get it.

So, I said, sure.

My decision making process is really awesome to behold.

It STAYED together!!!

I was pretty much done after I had assembled it and it stayed together.

Score one for the craft impaired!

Before they even started putting it together they wanted to know when they could eat it.

I might be a little dense but I did not know if you were supposed to!

I knew that it was basically made of all edible products but I had never actually scene anyone eating one.

I evaded the question for a while until I finally figured out that if there was a nutrition data panel on the box it must mean you can eat it.

So in case you are like me.

You CAN eat it.

Don’t laugh.


I think it is a Gingerbread house worthy of Hansel and Gretel.

It was demolished the next day.

Since my boys are more into eating then decorating I think we will make the Graham Cracker version again next year.

It is easier to eat.

This was a fun thing to check off of my imaginary Christmas must do list though.

The Christmas Train ~Dry Gulch USA

I love this image.

It conveys to me the magic that is Christmas Train.

I think I get more out of it then the boys do.

Watching the train pull into the station.

Spotted by a caroler…

Takes my breath away!

Even though his little face is serious they did love this ride.

He just likes to hide it for the camera.

We did not go last year but we did go the year before.

I thought it might not be the same since we had been before but I was still enchanted.

The tickets have been sold out for a while to go but make plans to go next year if you live in the area!

Buy the tickets right when they start selling them!

They go fast!

Clay Ornaments!

A picture I found on Pinterest is what started it all.

I saw it a couple months ago and knew that I wanted to try to make something similar.

I knew I would never be able to make the same one because I just do not have the patience for perfection.

It is a good thing I like the rustic, half done look.

I used the air dry clay because I already had it on hand.

You can use the oven bake kind if you want.

We used Cookie cutters for the shapes and straws for the holes!

I really loved the straw idea.

I found it, here.

We used stamps I had laying around for these.

I got that idea from this site.

These were MY ornaments. I did not let the boys help.

I knew the moment I saw them on this site that I wanted them all for myself.

I let the boys have a say and help out with the others but not these.

It is good to be selfish sometimes.

At least for me.

These are pure boy.

My youngest had a starfish figure in his hand all day and so decided to use it for his ornament.

My oldest decided to use a pig for his…

I used jute/twine to hang them up.

I am really happy with how they turned out!

I am becoming addicted to homemade ornaments!

Anyone else having this happen to them?

I blame Pinterest.

It makes me think I can do things that I can not do…