Category Archives: Personal

We had a pretty Super New Years Eve

The boys got superhero costumes from my parents for Christmas.

Since we did not see them this year they opened their gifts from them on New Years Eve.

Cutest Batman ever.

The only right way to look at his Superman belt.

He wore that whole outfit into Walmart today.

Yes, he lifted his shirt to show everyone his belt.


Their Uncle helped them with the flying part.

My youngest was not sure about the fighting.

This time.

He is usually all for it.

Superhero’s jump over stuff a lot.

Wagon rides take on a whole new meaning when Uncle Charles is giving them.

My oldest has decided that he needs to wear this every time we go to Walmart.

A Minnisota Christmas

We went up north to spend time with my husband’s side of the family this Christmas. Here is a peek into how we spent our days while there.

I took so many pictures of my cute little niece she might need her own post…

Such a character.

Snowball fight

He was just a little bit happy about the snow.

My nephew trying to take refuge in the trees.

Pony rides at Grandpa’s house are a must.

My cute nephew waiting his turn on the pony.

Nick and I got to do some hiking while up there.

I got to put my new lens to good use!

Nerf war with the new Christmas gifts.

They were for the “children”.

Sunset on our Christmas day hike.

The colors were unreal.

I went out at sunrise the next day to get some pics.

We had a great time!

Car Ornaments

I have been on a homeade ornament kick this year thanks to Pinterest.

With my limited craftiness I knew I needed to pick something that was not too difficult so I would actually finish it.

Enter Walmart.

I bought two of their $.97 wooden trucks in the craft section for the boys to paint.

I already had everything else I needed.

Which was:

1. Paint (I used Acrylic)

2. Paint Brushes

3. Eyelets

4. Twine (my new best friend)

My boys love anything messy or destructive.

These little guys fit perfectly on my mismatched thrown together tree.

Just the way I like my trees by the way.

I thought I would share these little guys also.

I have never had a tree topper on my tree.

My oldest was really concerned this year by the empty space on the top of the tree.

The reason I did not have one was that I had not found one I liked.

So I made one.

I tried looking for one online so I could see how someone else made one but I did not find what I wanted.This tutorial did help inspire me though.

I drew a basic star pattern in the size I wanted (I just happened to have a metal star ornament in a size that would work).

I roughly measured some wooden rods I had on hand (you can buy them at most craft stores) and cut them with a hand saw.

I laid them on my pattern and after I was happy with how it looked, marked with a pen where all the rods intersected.

Then I started the tedious (I actually liked it) job of wrapping the twine onto the rods.

I would have taken pictures and showed you how I kept it all together but it was not pretty…

This is probably the worst tutorial ever.

It did work though!

I just used more twine to tie it to the top.

The little ornament next to it is a sparkly one I had that I covered in mod podge and wrapped in twine.

Anyone else out there obsessed with twine?