Category Archives: Personal

Face paint

I bought face paints for this little man’s birthday and I thought they should be put to good use.

He has been really into the Hulk since hanging out with his little cousin so I asked him if he wanted me to make him the Hulk.

I thought it would be really easy, no problem.

I love his expressions.

What I forgot was, I have two boys and if I paint one’s face I have to do the others.

He is currently into Ironman.

Ironman is not as easy as the Hulk…

He kept twitching his nose when I was drawing the lines!

My Little Man is 4!

We started off my youngest birthday with a trip to the zoo.

He bought this Alligator that he has wanted for a long time and I bought him Kaa (a stuffed snake).

That combo made for two very rowdy little boys.

There were a lot of snake vs. alligator battles going down.

Shere Kahn was in rare form.

We were calling everything by their Jungle Book names since that was his birthday theme.

Being constricted.

When we got home I did some finishing touches around the house and painted the boys faces.

They wanted everyone to know that they were nice tigers.

There was a lot of roaring and yowling going on.

Baloo and Kaa.

Here is my thing about parties, they scare me.

The thought of entertaining people makes me want to run for the hills.

So far the boys have been okay with the one friend only rule.

That keeps the panicking to a minimum.

Her mom painted her face to look like a peacock!

One of his gifts were those little pills that expand into a dinosaur shaped sponge.

It is amazing how long they just stood there staring at it floating in the water.

I am trying to convince my oldest not to have a party this year and go do something fun all day instead.

So far I have been unsuccessful.

He said, “my friends will not get any cake then”.

I can’t argue with him when he is thinking of others.