After double checking that we had ALL of our children, we went to the Crazy Horse Memorial.

I was not sure how interesting it would be but it was pretty facinating!
I would totally recommend going and learning this important part of American history.

The next day we moved to Wind Cave National Park.
It was a beautiful campground for a wonderful price.
Again no water (which we expected) and only vault toilets.
Something I had not expected was the mountain lion warning on the bathroom doors and my youngest deciding that meant they were seen in the bathrooms.

She would not step one toe outside without an adult right next to her, sure that the mountain lion was lying in wait.
My twins concern was our dog.
They did not want him sleeping in the tent, never mind their brothers were in the same tent…
But even though I acted like it was no big deal, him being in the tent with them made me feel better so he was staying.

I thought the cave tour was interesting but you did not see much of the cave at all.

I finally took the plunge and washed my hair outside with water I warmed up on the stove.
It worked fine and I felt like I had earned a camping merit badge or something 😉
I bought bath wipes also from Amazon that work great when you can’t shower.

We did see a lot of animals while driving around here but no mountain lions thankfully.

Driving around in the evenings, looking for wildlife was one of my favorite parts of this trip.