Category Archives: My Family

Tea Time

We have been drinking a lot of tea in our house this past week!

Cold weather and colds make me run for the tea and honey, we go through a LOT of honey.

Does anyone else go through a honey bear a week?

I am starting to feel all alone on my little honey bear loving island…


I got this picture while my youngest little man was waiting “patiently” for the tea to cool.

It was funny because his older brother was sitting right in the morning light and that is who I grabbed the camera for.

I decided to make things even though and snap a picture of my youngest too even though he was in the dark.

I am glad I did.

Happy Sad

Christmas lights!Christmaslights!

We went driving last night and it was wonderful to hear little voices in the back yelling, “CHRISTMAS LIGHTS!”

We live near a business that really decks out their whole place with lights. It is a beautiful display and as far as I know they do not get anything from it!

The boys were in awe when we drove past.

So on behalf a mom that gets to see the joy on her little boys faces, THANK YOU to everyone that takes the time to decorate their house for Christmas.

I am already a little sad that it has to end.

I am a glass half empty kind of person I guess.

I will really miss the no arguing in the backseat because of the awesome distraction from the Christmas lights.

Anyone want to join with me to keep the Christmas lights on all year?

Your neighbors won’t mind!

Well, as long as I am your neighbor…