Category Archives: My Family

I am going to miss this ~trips to the Botanical Gardens

Sometimes I need a bit of reframing.

This trip felt overwhelming, loud, and tiring but then I looked at the posts I used to do of things I would miss about my boys being small.

And I do. I miss it.

So I decided to look at yesterday through the lens of things I would miss so I can look back on it in a few years and remember.

I am going to miss sharing these experiences with my kids.

I am going to miss them wanting to play on every loud instrument.

I am going to miss goofy smiles as they photo bomb each others pics.

I am going to miss hiking buddies.

I am going to miss the wonder and excitement of finding something unexpected.

Even if it is a venomous snake…

Most of all, I will miss seeing them in front of me. Exploring and taking things in.

One day I will walk through a garden in the quiet and miss them and the noise they make.

My two oldest are getting to the point they don’t join in on everything, their plans are changing and that means they are not always there. And I miss it.

Snow day!

We were forecast snow and actually got it!
My kids were super happy with the close to 6 inches we got!
I love all the funny sledding faces.
When did he stop making goofy faces at the camera and turn into a man?
Nick went down the hill and I missed it!!!
She dropped her giant snowball…
Just here for the snow eating.
My reluctant early morning model.
The snow froze overnight and made the sledding spot super fast!
You can see the kids waiting at the top in the top right of the pic!
Even with the snow being hard Little Bit managed to make a snow angel.
I love my yard covered in snow!

As much as I love snow I know that trying to get my three youngest to put on snow gear every day would get super old, really fast.
