Category Archives: Homeschooling

Will Rogers

Last week the boys and I traveled up to the Will Rogers Birthplace Ranch in Oologah, Ok.

My five year old was over the top excited to see this place.

It all started with this Value Tales book.

In it is a short story about Will Rogers told from the point of view of his lariat!

He was a little confused later though when he saw one of his lariats and it did not have eyes…

Beautiful house.

Amazing view!

They had animals roaming around the grounds.

Caught you!

After we were done at the Ranch my oldest wanted to see more about him so we headed over to Claremore to the Will Rogers Memorial Museum.

He was so excited to see pictures and statues of Will Rogers everywhere!

There was even a cowboy that would do rope tricks for you if you asked!

I could not resist the trick rope in the museum store.

He has already been asking to go back.

I love it when a book sparks a desire to learn!

Getting ready for school

I am working to get us a little bit more organized before school starts.

These totes hold all our extra school stuff that we are not using at the moment but will soon.

It took me a lot of trial and error to figure out the binder clip to hold my tag!

I thought I was a genius after I figured it out.

I also thought my husband could have been a little more excited about my new labels…

Why would he not want to spend 10mins. talking about labels?

I probably buy too many kits and games.

I cannot say no to them!!!

I made my own bingo number game!!!

Stickers on one side and tally marks on the other side.

I am starting to get a little excited about the upcoming school year!

I just hope that excitement can last until next summer…

Our Summer Reading Program

I was not 100% happy with the summer reading programs in our area.

They do a good job but I decided I wanted one specific to my boys.

After seeing this post on about making your own reading program, I went for it!

She has free printables but I thought my boys might like to decorate their own log books so I made my own.

The front is really simple, just a place for a name and plenty of room for stickers.

I do not use excel often enough, the inside took me way longer then it should have.

All I did was give them a place to write down their books they have read.

Spiderman was the only superhero we had stickers of.

I was being cheap and not wanting to buy more stickers.

My youngest shocked me when he chose the nature stickers instead of the superhero ones!

I bought two smaller books for halfway prizes (10 books), big books and gummy worms for end prizes (20 books).

My oldest read 10 books the first day.

We went to the library to stock up on more books the next day.

He read 3 books while there…

When we got home he read 7 more.

He read 20 books in two days!

These were all harder books that he has never read before.

It looks like he is taking after me…