Category Archives: Homeschooling

Chapter book series for 1st grade boys

*This post contains Amazon Associate links

I have mentioned before how much I want my boys to enjoy reading as much as I do.

With that in mind I try to keep them supplied with many books that will keep that fire going!

Here are some of our favorites.

1. Geronimo Stilton

My son eats these up!

He will finish one and then start it all over again.

The novels are written in a really fun way with lots of different fonts and a lot of colorful pictures.

They also have graphic novels that are written more like comic books and teach about different parts of history.

I love these!

2. Magic Tree House

My son and I really enjoy the Magic Tree house books.

We are pretty careful about introducing magic in our house so some of the later ones have a bit too much of that for me.

I do love how much they teach about history and different places in the world though.

The first twenty or so books are really light on the magic so those are my favorites.

3. Imagination Station Books

These are basically a Christian version of the Magic Tree House.

They are very similar but with the whole imagination station twist and a Christian perspective.

I buy every new one that comes out!

4. The Magic School Bus Chapter Books

I love anything that will teach and be entertaining at the same time so of course I love the magic school bus!!!

We also own all of the movies!

I am a little bit addicted!!!

There are many more good books out there but these are the main ones that make my little man really happy!

Unless of course it involves superheros…

This list is more about the books both of us really like I guess!

Hope this helps some of you!

Homeschooling ~Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is tomorrow.

It might be odd that I am taking time out of cleaning and baking to do a homeschooling post but I needed a break…

I was planning on only a couple books about the pilgrims.

Then every book I requested at our local library came in at the same time…


We have not read all of these yet and I am not sure if we will.

I am kind of tired of the whole pilgrim’s first thanksgiving story.

Our favorites though are:

The Magic Tree House “Thanksgiving on Thursday”

Imagination Station “Problems in Plymouth” (similar to the magic tree house)

“You wouldn’t want to sail on the Mayflower” (We have loved all of the books in this series so far)

I liked “The pilgrims before the mayflower”, it gave a different part of the story that you do not hear as often.

The only one of these that we have read is the one on Squanto.

My oldest read it.

I try to get him several books to read in the subject we are learning about.

We made thankfulness books.

I had them draw a picture of something they were thankful for then write what it is.

Please ignore the fact I spelled “thankfulness” wrong…


Since we will be spending the rest of the school year learning about the United States I made a map to add states to as we learn about them.

I did it the hard way.

I really like it though so it is okay.

Okay, breaks over.

I should get back to my cleaning and baking!

Have a blessed Thanksgiving surrounded by those you love!

Field trip to Bartlesville, Ok

Since we were studying Oklahoma history and crude oil last month, I was really excited to find a petroleum museum close to us!

The Philips Petroleum Company Museum in Bartlesville, Ok.

It had mostly static exhibits but I figured it would be that way so I was prepared.

It was still interesting and free!

Any chance I have for the boys to SEE history I jump at!

The boys love a chance to explore something new.

I do not tie them down at all.

We skip around a lot in a musuem like this.

They had hula hoops!

They had a lot of products that come from a chemical found in petroleum.

Seeing this made the whole trip worth it 🙂

I was wearing a dress but I took pity and showed them how it worked.

Glad there were not big glass windows right behind me for people to look in.

Oh wait, there were…

They did have a barbers chair that they encouraged people to try out!

The boys took turns giving each other shaves and haircuts.

As soon as my oldest saw the touch screen he gave the place five stars.

They are touch screen crazy.

The best I could do at the time to get us all in a shot!

Right next door is the city museum!

It is small but was interesting.

The boys liked this manikin that talked.

They may have watched “The Night at the Museum” one too many times though.

They were a little concerned about him coming to life.

My youngest wanted to know if we were going to turn into one…

We visited the site of the Nellie Johnstone #1.

They have a replica sitting on the site.

It is HUGE!

I loved that the boys got to actually see the scale of these things.

They do re-enactment with water gushing out of it but I am not sure when.

There is a lot more to see while in Bartlesville also!

Be sure to look up what to do in a place so that you do not miss anything!