Category Archives: Homeschooling

Creation Study ~Day 5 Sea & Flying Creatures

I am going to be honest with you guys.

The last week’s of our creation study will not be as project and experiment filled.

I got a little burned out of scouring the web every week looking for experiments.

So when we got to animals, I was really happy to take a little bit of a break!

day5booksWe are still using the Answers for Kids bible curriculum and really liking it.

I am doing it a little slower in places then they call for but it was meant for a Sunday school class so I knew I would be making changes.

These two animal guides are amazing.

sharksWith public places becoming more and more inundated with evolution it is nice to have a book that tells about the animal in a way that honors the creator.

I like that each animal has the day it was created on there.

We used these for reference during our study.

birdsI let the boys pick out a Wild Kratts(a kids show about animals) show to watch each day.

It had to be about an animal that was created on day 5.

They also picked out library books about day 5 animals.

My 5yr old picked out a bird guide.

Then he stated we did not need any other bird books because he had them all in his BIRD GUIDE.


We also watched some videos on the answers in genesis site.

Both animal guides can be found in their store.

whitesealFor literature we read Kipling’s “The White Seal”.

Kipling did not write cute little animal stories.

In The White Seal they talk about the people coming and killing a lot of the seals for food.

It might terrify some children.

The boys were upset but I pointed out they eat cows…

I am mean.

Kipling was such a great story teller though.

I love his stories!


fromaboveYou could also read something by E.B. White, or if you have young ones the book “Owl at Home” would work.

I recommend reading the creation of narnia to your kids while learning about creation.

It takes place in the book “The Magician’s Nephew” at the end of chapter 8 all the way through chapter 9.

It is an absolutely beautiful description of creation.

I read the book to the boys without really realizing how much it tied into what we were learning about!

Here are my previous Creation Study post’s.

Day 1 Light, Day & Night

Day 2 Atmosphere

Day 3 Dry land & Plants

Day 4 Sun, Moon, & Stars

Creation Study ~Day 4 Sun, Moon & Stars

finishedsolarcar trying finishedcarSince we had already studied the properties of light on Day 1, we just made a couple solar powered projects for Day 4.

We read:

“Going around the Sun Some Planetary Fun” by Marianne Collins Berkes


“Eight Great Planets” by Laura Purdie Salas

Both are rhyming books and would be great for young children!
We watched The Magic School Bus “Lost in Space”.
My boys have seen all of these before but they seem to get more out of them when we watch them while learning about something in the video.

solar paint casual heldtable scales grammar grammar2 mathscale numbers abacusMaking the Solar System ended up being a great way to explain how seasons and years work!

It is a great visual tool!

It would also be a great time to go to a planetarium!

I also included a few peeks into our other schoolwork.

Hope you have a great week!

Day 1 Light, Day & Night

Day 2 Atmosphere

Day 3 Dry land & Plants

Things they remember…

In January 2012, I wanted to read some of a children’s version of the Aenied to my boys.

Since my boys were 4 and 5yrs old and the version I had did not have pictures, I was worried about them retaining any of it.

castleMy solution was a play castle for troy and lego’s for the Trojan’s and Greek’s.

I had them act out the story while I read it.

trojanOne of the Trojan’s looking out of the city.

greeksThe Greek’s sneaking back to the city on boats.

trojanhorseAfter a failed attempt at building a trojan horse I improvised with the boys dinosaur.

When it comes to teaching my boys I have no clue what they will retain.

Some things we work really hard on and they cannot even remember it to the end of the day.

This morning my now 7 year old asked if we could get the castle out and redo the attack.

He remembered that the soldiers snuck into the city inside a horse and that one of the people’s names were Simon(Sinon).

Apparently any story I want them to remember needs to be acted out with lego’s.

Good to know.