Category Archives: Homeschooling

Music Science Kit

musickit2We were learning about Jubal and Tubal-Cain (descendent of Cain) so I broke out our Music Science Kit I had bought a little while ago.

tamborineJubal was known for his invention of the Harp and Lyre.

Tubal-Cain was known for working with Iron and Bronze(we watched some videos on the elements for those).

noiseI liked that the kit explained music in a scientific way.

It had the boys try cotton balls before coins and see if it made noise.


playThe boys really liked making a guitar from the box the kit came in!

guitarplay2It explained what you need to make sounds and the different things you could use to make a guitar.

playtogether intheporch dulcimerWe also watched some videos on youtube of people playing the Harp and the Lyre!

There are some really talented people out there!

This kit was a lot of fun and a great add on to a study about music.

Honey Springs Battlefield Education Day ~Checotah, OK


jawbonesOnce every three years the Honey Springs Battlefield has a re-enactment of the civil war battle that took place there.

banjo listeningThe day before the re-enactment they had an educational day!

Most people that know me are aware that I am pretty passionate about history.

In fact I leave it as one of the last subjects of the day I teach so I do not spend the whole day on it!

I feel like I am surrounded by like minded people at these history events!

ringtossA couple other homeschool mom’s came with me to this event.

Here is my friend Stephanie helping to demonstrate a game that would have been played at that time.

We offered her because she has girls (at least that is the best excuse I could think of).

blacksmithsmokeThe boys kept trying to hide from the smoke coming from the blacksmiths fire.

soldier talking drummersEveryone was nice and very patient!

We saw a lot of the same people that had been at the Homeschool Day at the History center!

I love introducing my kids to history at a young age.

Of course boys hate learning about hero’s and battles.

So difficult to get them into weapons…

And don’t even get me started at how much they hated the loud booms made by the guns.

They suffer through it because they love me so much no doubt.

Creation Study ~Day 6 Land Animals & Man

books insidebookAs always we are using the “Answers in Genesis Curriculum for kids” for our history.

I bought “Dinosaurs for Kids” by Ken Ham for the animal part of our study.

It goes through the different ages of dinosaurs sometimes giving the evolutionist view as well as the biblical view.

We have been talking a lot about the fact all animals were created to be herbivores.

It is something that is easy to forget when you look at a Great White Shark…

zootrip watchingWe went on a zoo trip at the end of our study and I had the boys point out what day the different animals were created on.

It was such a simple exercise but so good!

I also threw out another day once in a while.

Like “I spy something created on day 3!”.

It was a tree.

bobcatWe also watched videos on the Answers in Genesis website.

You could study anatomy with Day 6, I had thought about it but ended up going easy on our last week of creation instead.

This study has been so informative for me!

I love when I get something out of what we are learning!

I will continue studying the timeline for the rest of the school year.

Right now we are learning about Jubal and Tubal-Cain.

I really like how much this gives us the big picture of history in the bible.

I feel like ancient history and the bible are mostly kept separate from each other.

But they should be taught together!

What better way to understand the Israelites slavery in Egypt then to study Egypt at that time?

Here are the other days of creation and what we did for them.

Day 1 Light, Day & Night

Day 2 Atmosphere

Day 3 Dry land & Plants

Day 4 Sun, Moon, & Stars

Day 5 Sea & Flying Creatures