Category Archives: Homeschooling

School in December

With the holidays we did not get much school done but here is a peek into what our month looked like.

writing book

We finally got a new board for our All About Spelling tiles.

spellingI tried to make do with a small one to save space but it was just not cutting it!

I hung this one on the back of the door with command strips.

spelling2They recommend hanging it horizontally but I did not have a space.

It seems to work just fine vertically.

math math2 math3Math time!

noah pouringWe were learning about the flood so we re-enacted it.

I had wanted to do this on a larger scale outside but it turned cold so we improvised.

fossilsWe used clay and some plastic animals to make “fossils”.

fossilbook insidebookWe have been reading through “Dry bones and other Fossils” for our science.

I really like this book, it offers a Christian perspective of fossils.

dirtWe did the project from the book about how dirt and rock layers are made.

layers pourdirt dirtlayers

I am looking forward to a normal month of school!

We are almost done with our math book!

I will be so happy when we have finished the next book!

Trying to finish two in one school year has limited our field trip days more than I would like!

*We foundĀ  a really good Imagination Station episode on the Tower of Babel called “The Tower“.

It was really great at making the story come alive!