Category Archives: Homeschooling

Shakespeare ~3rd & 4th Grade

My boys studied Shakespeare to go along with Galileo and the Conquistadors.

That is why I love learning via timeline, you get to learn about things that don’t seem to go together.


They really liked “The Winter’s Tale“, “Will’s Quill“, and “Hamlet.”

Although my oldest(9) read a lot of the Lamb’s Tales of Shakespeare as well and seemed to like it(free version available for Kindle).

Later on I found some really interesting interactive sites for Shakespeare.

Literary Wonderland has a really cool rap version of Macbeth!

The BBC site has a fun game they can play, here.

They also have a 60 second version of Shakespeare that is like reading about the tale in the newspaper which I thought was fun, here.

My boys spent a lot of time on the Modern Library site, playing their shakespeare quizzes and games.

Their favorite part of this study was probably the live sword fight from Macbeth that we saw at the Natural History Museum in OKC.


They could probably watch sword fights all day.

Because they are boys…

Do you have a favorite resource for Shakespeare?

Just found this so I am adding it for my future reference.

Shakespeare Solos, actors performing key speeches from his plays.

Leonardo Da Vinci Books ~3rd & 4th grade


My oldest said he likes all of these. Ha.

He is a pretty big fan of Leonardo Da Vinci!

Who Was Leonardo da Vinci?

Who Stole The Mona Lisa?

Monday with a Mad Genius

The Mystery of the Mona Lisa

Leonardo and the Flying Boy

Who Stole Mona Lisa?

Mona Lisa; The Secret of the Smile

Neo Leo

Leonardo da Vinci

Amazing Leonardo da Vinci Inventions

I actually bought them a clock model to put together that was a concept of his.

They broke it putting it together and then lost the instructions…