Category Archives: Homeschooling

Tulsa Waterworks & A Serendipitous Educational Moment


A friend of mine was watching one of my girls for me so I had only 4 kids!

I wanted to go for a walk and was looking around for a good place when we found a pretty big city waterworks and reservoir.



This was perfect!

We had just watched the Magic School Bus waterworks show on the way their!

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It was great to talk about what we had just watched while walking on the walking path around the reservoir.

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The cleaning process was a lot more interesting after seeing a dead fish in the water people drink…

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Thanks dead fish for an easy teachable moment.

Pretty sure they will remember this one.

 It would be so much fun to tour the actual waterworks!

It was right next to us and so impressive looking!

The Alamo, Dr. Livingstone, Africa, Jonny Appleseed, and Jules Verne


Any time I can link a great author into our study, I do!

Jules Verne is someone I was excited to introduce the boys too.

This biography just inspires the imagination, doesn’t it?

The Man who invented tomorrow” such a great title.


I threw the full version of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea in with our school books.

I was not sure if they would get through it but I had read it and enjoyed it so I thought I would give it a try.

They fought over it!!!!

Definitely a homeschool mom win in my book.

They both finished it and liked to talk about the amazing things written.


I also borrowed the Classics Illustrated version of 20,000 Leagues from the library(ebook).

Any of those that I can get they gobble up.

They look like comic books and are a fun way for them to see the story even more.


The Battle of the Alamo was happening the same time Jules Verne was growing up.

I will sometimes pick an author based on when they wrote their novel or sometimes when they were born.

It just depends on the content of the novels.

It is easy to see how he could think anything was possible, having grown up during the tail end of the industrial revolution.

I was so happy to find a “You Choose” book on the Alamo!

My boys love those books!


We also listened to several stories from Rabbit Ears Treasury of Tall Tales.

The one about Davy Crockett is read by Nicholas Cage and is very animated!



Here is my oldest drawing the Alamo from our Write and Draw through History book.



Rabbit Ears Treasury of Tall Tales also had a story about Johnny Appleseed that was interesting.

It said that he believed he was getting beautiful brides in heaven for the work he was doing?



I had never heard that before.


We studied David Livingstone and Africa also during this time.

There was very little for kids about him but the History Channel’s “Great Explorers series” has a movie on him that was interesting and very informative.

It was also not only his good qualities but things they thought he did wrong.

I really like when we can get resources that tell both sides so we can discuss it.


I used’s Living Geography book list for our Africa study.

I loved this idea and it gave me an opportunity to expose my kids to some great books!

Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters” is one of my favorites.

It is a a Cinderella type story but with an emphasis on being a good person.

It was not her beauty that made her a princess.

I liked that.


We got the audio book version of “Nelson Mandela’s Favorite African Folktales.” 

So many of them were so good!

Some were maybe a bit scary for young kids though so you might want to review it a bit first.

The story of how the animals came to have their trunks and spots was my favorite and the 1st one about the king that lost his ring!

So good.


So many beautiful stories!

We will definitely be covering geography this way again.


I made a Ten Days in Africa type game to go with our study.

Only the boys and I played this one because the girls can not read well enough to be able to do this type of game yet.

I have done a blog post before on how I make these, here.

But all you need is a map of the continent and some cards with the different countries on them.

These types of games seem to really help us learn the geography!


We all got to use the “How to draw African animals” book.

I actually walked them all through the steps this time and drew with them.

That seemed to help a lot of them be able to follow along.


My girls got frustrated that their’s did not look just like the book but I think they did a great job!

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These last two are the boys drawings.


I also took advantage of the fact we were studying Africa to let my kids watch Wild Kratts!

They have a lot of videos on African Animals and all my kids like watching them.

Sometimes I embrace the things that are easiest!

Like taking pictures with my phone…

This season of life is definitely showing me what is a priority and what is not!

Do you use “living books” to teach geography?

Check out how I link my subjects, here.

Our Study of Birds and Audubon ~Homeschool

I am still working on how to tie lessons together for the girls and boys.

The boys do 5th grade work and the girls are in 1st grade but need a very simplified version.

So it has not been until recently that I have really been trying to include them in the history or science that the boys are studying.


Birds seemed like a perfect subject for them all to learn though.

For one of the boys studies the past couple weeks they were learning about John Audubon and birds.

 I give the girls a science shelf for their independent learning and made it all about birds.

Here are some of the things I included:

Bird Bingo(one of my favorite educational games)

Bird Guides like Birds of Oklahoma

The Magic School Bus Flies the Nest

Backyard Birds Toob (I had them try to find the matching bird on the Backyard Birds of North America guide)

Bird Flash Cards


Owl Puke the Book

We also finally refilled our bird feeder and would identify the birds that came.


I got a pbs documentary on Audubon called John James Audubon: Drawn from Nature from the library and was having the kids all watch in the vehicle.

I had no clue that Audubon killed the birds he drew!

He posed them by sticking wires through them!

I asked my oldest if they were showing that and he said “yep.”

My kids eyes were huge.


We did not finish the documentary.


My youngest boy(9) loves learning about animals and is like a walking encyclopedia about them so he really liked reading about birds for school.

He also told me that Audubon met Daniel Boone!

I love it when our studies intersect like that.

Just another benefit of learning History, Science, and Literature via timeline.

Audubon: Painter of Birds in the Wild Frontier was such a pretty looking picture book.

I don’t get to read many of these books anymore since my boys are independent readers.

We also got John Audubon Young Naturalist but I forgot to take a picture of it.


Bird Watching


I really liked tying their studies together!

Now I just need to figure out how to make the science shelf fun and interesting for the next study.


I have a feeling it will not be as pretty as birds.