It gets HOT in Oklahoma in the summer!
I feel like if I wait for it to cool down I will not get to hike until November so we keep hiking and walking even in the heat.
Here are a couple things my family does to keep somewhat cool on those hot days.
1. We go out early morning(8am or earlier) or evening (usually 6:30pm or later).
2. We bring an insane amount of water! As much as we can carry. We bring more Gatorade then anything when it is really hot.
3. We try to wear mostly wicking clothing. This is slightly new to this year and I have seen a huge difference in comfort.
Look for labels that say “quick dry” or “wicking”.
4. We try to hike places that are nice an open but shaded. I have found lake trails to be the best for that in my area.
5. Lastly, we do not push it! If someone is getting even a little bit light headed we turn around!
We do get acclimated though and this is not an issue as we get farther into summer.
If you are just starting though I would definitely encourage you to do a nice easy hike and be prepared to turn around.
Getting sick or injured right away can really turn you off to hiking!
What do you do to stay cool in the summer?
Staying in the AC in not an acceptable answer…