We spent a week with family in MN and then started our journey west, which was promptly paused 1hr in when our hubs broke off our tire (we never did find the tire).

After about 6hrs of searching for parts and the tire (and a lot of work on my husbands part), we got back on the road.
And hit a deer.
I was asleep and Nick had been having me watch videos on trailer sway so I thought this was it, we were flipping over.
Thankfully, although startling it did not damage anything.
We made it to our site and proceeded to wait for the wind to die down enough to finish our drive to the badlands.

Because of the wind we got to the boondocking spot after dark, which is something I really try to avoid.
This was even more intense because of the high winds and drop offs.
I had no clue where to go and we basically just chose the first flat spot and said this is fine.
Unfortunately I did not plan for the wind and it shook us all night. Since the wind was going to get worse the next day Nick wanted to turn the RV to compensate for it so we moved to a better spot the next morning.

And our tongue jack broke.
Thankfully I married a fixer.

Nick insisted on a spot with no steep drop offs and I am super thankful.
The next day our youngest thought it was funny to let the wind almost push her off and also let go of her jacket which was instantly gone.
I grabbed her and put her in the safety of the car and thankfully her jacket caught one of the only trees around…

Because of the high wind the boys decided to sleep in the rv and not try to set up their tent so we had a full house!

All that drama maybe made me appreciate the beautiful views all the more.

Thankfully the rest of our trip was a bit less eventful 😉