Pictures and drone flying for 13th Anniversary

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At least one of our five kids always manage to make it into shots.

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How he really feels about pictures…

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He looks all sweet and loving but he was really falling asleep…

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The day felt a bit like any other day but after Nick got home I bought some cheesecake for the two of us and later in the evening we got the drone out and I practiced flying it!

As a bonus, I did not crash!

It was a nice easy way to celebrate 13yrs of marriage.

Pinnacle Mountain State Park~ Little Rock, AR


We got to Pinnacle Mountain State Park right before the visitor center closed.


Me, “They have alligators in Arkansas?”


No clue.



We went on the scenic overlook trail right next to the visitors center.

Really short walk.

All the walks on our trip were easy and short.

I was told I had to take it easy by my doctor due to a back injury so every walk was around 1 mile or less.




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We also went on the Arkansas Trail loop.

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It is the Arboretum as well so lots of signs with information about the trees throughout the walk.

My second oldest read every single sign.


These little machines would tell you information about the area if you cranked them.

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There was a constant debate of who’s turn it was…

Thank you park people for the fun crank machines that helped my kids work on their sharing skills.


Speckled Kingsnake?


That is him slithering away in terror…

Our crew scared him.



We did not stay very long at this park and I really want to go back when we can do the pinnacle hike!

It was too steep for this trip.

I was also constantly battling to get checked into the hotel before the kids bedtime.

Not sure I ever accomplished that goal…