At the lake.

It is nice to have someone else in the family that wants to go somewhere just to take pictures.

The sight of my seven year old with a camera makes me happy.

photog waterfall lake littlephotog perfectionist hisfavorite ducks looking duckslake bullyGeese are big mean bully’s.

We had them when I was a kid and I have never liked them since.

These guys were chasing all the ducks away.

Cementing the fact that geese are evil…

photogdocs runing duckI could spend every evening watching the sunset on water.

So gorgeous.

Chandler Park, Tulsa Ok

lostcity photog explorers rock overgrown climb climber oldest climbing sitting backdropSupposedly the Lost City Trail at Chandler Park is over 3 miles long but it was really overgrown and difficult to tell if you were on the right path.

Still a great place to explore!

The boys were younger last time and I did not enjoy it as much since there is quite a bit of glass laying around.

This time around went a lot better!

If you have a climber in your family I would definitely recommend checking out this park!