Last week as a 4yr old ~Day 1

My last week with a 4yr old.


Didn’t I just take his 3yr old pics?

My little jokester.

He says the most outrageous things and loves to take you literally.

If I say something wrong he loves to pounce on it and pretend that is what I actually meant.

It is hard to hold back smiles when around this little cutie.

I thought Day 14 of my 30 Day project was appropriate.

He was trying to tell me something but just cannot be still long enough to finish.

I love that this pic catches his little dimple also.

I love this little man!

Our School Day

We have just started doing All About Spelling Level 1.

It is way to easy for my oldest and not really difficult for my youngest at this time.

We skipped to the middle of the book to start and now I am just asking them to spell a word from the lesson, if they both get it easily then I skip to the next lesson.

Hopefully we will get to some things they do not know soon.

Their grammar is having them do dictation now.

Everytime I so much as paused in our lesson my oldest would pick up his book.

I hated telling him he needed to leave it alone until after school.

It just seems wrong to tell your six year old to stop reading…

Snack time for the boys = me reviewing their math lesson for the day.

We finally broke out a science kit I bought a while ago.

We made a lime battery.

The boys were pretty disappointed that we were not doing the other experiments in the kit that day.

School is done so it is quiet time for the boys and project time for mommy!

I will share what I am making after I finish! I really like how it is turning out and it goes in my newly painted kitchen!

I am using these shots for my 30 Day project.

I will probably change it up a little bit and not focus on including myself in every shot.

I am still trying to think of ways to catch us all in our everyday life though.

Oxley Nature Center, Tulsa OK

The Mary K. Oxley Nature Center has some beautiful trails.

It is located in Mohawk park next to the zoo.

They do get very messy if it has been raining a lot and some even disappear all together so it is best to go when it has been dry.

With the abundance of water you get to see a lot of wildlife.

Some I prefer seeing from a distance.

They have lookouts to view birds from and a pretty nice nature center.