Explorers ~Columbus and Oceans!

Two of the books that did not get pictured in this shot are “The Magic School Bus on the ocean floor” and Geronimo Stilton “The discovery of America“.

We did one day on Marco Polo before we started on Columbus.

I finally caved and bought a grammar book.

I really like this one! The lessons are simple and the boys are retaining a lot!

He is reading the Geronimo Stilton book “The Discovery of America”.

We read it all together for the first book on Columbus but then he wanted to read it on his own as well.

We finally got to use our Aquarium guide!

I might have gotten a little bit to enthusiastic about it.

We were reading about feeder shrimp and saw one in with the eel, it then climbed up on the eel and looked like it was going to clean it’s mouth!

I was practically jumping up and down and yelling…

An employee came up and asked if we saw the eel.

Um, yeah. I saw it thank you…

This is at the Jenks Aquarium.

Since we were learning about oceans we did this salt water experiment.

All you need is water, two glasses, two eggs, and some salt.

It worked great!

The boys loved it!

The Santa Maria.

Columbus looked like a viking and his first mate dressed like a storm trooper.

You didn’t know that?

Hmm, they must have left it out of some of the history books.

We made this so the boys could see how sails worked.

We put it in the bathtub and used a fan for the wind.

One of the things I like so much about RightStart math is how hands on it is!

They get to play some sort of game almost every day.

His loosing face.

How to trick your kids into enjoying hiking!

I did a post with a couple tips on hiking with young children a little while back. It was more on keeping your kids comfortable then entertaining them so I thought I would do a new one with some tips and tricks on hiking with children!

I am not above tricking my children into forgetting how many miles they have been walking!

I want them to enjoy their time outside not dread it!

Here is a list of ways I “trick” my children into enjoying long walks/hikes:

1. Play I spy! This has been a game changer for me. The boys love playing it! We play it in stores, on walks, and on hikes.

It is easy also! Just find something odd say it out loud and see who finds it first! Then it is their turn to do the same.

2. Give them a map.

For some reason kids just really like to look at maps! If you have a GPS device that is even better!

3. Give them a compass and teach them how to use it.

4. Bring along animal/plant identification charts

I really like the laminated ones I found at a nature center!

I recently found these also though and really want to get them!

5. Have a special treat waiting at the car/house, or if you are walking try to walk to a place you can buy something for them. I love actually going somewhere when walking instead of just going in a circle! We walk to the park, walmart, or a gas station often. The boys actually ask to go to them even though it is a five mile round trip!

You could also bring a special treat with you.

6. Do a nature scavenger hunt! I just did one while up visiting family in Minnesota and all the kids loved it!

We did the Nature Bingo I found here.

More ideas here and here.

7. Tell stories.

I actually learned this from reading Little Woman! You start a story and then they have to continue it. It is so much fun and keeps their mind off the fact they are walking! It does take a little work to teach them how to do it if they have never done it before but it is worth it!

8. Lastly pick a fun location! One with lots of animals, fun bridges, or rocks to climb!

Robbers Cave State Park

Ray Harrel Nature Park

Turkey Mt. Wilderness Area

Also the Mary K. Oxley Nature Center and the RSU conservation Trail.

I hope this post helps make hiking more fun for you and your kids!