Super Cousins

While visiting my family in Indiana we did a little photo shoot with my two boys and their cousin.

The boys hated getting their faces painted and running around acting like superheros.

What boy would like that?

You can see the boredom on their little faces.

He would have rather sat around all day, then pretend to be flash.

They barely tolerated being The Green Lantern and Iron Man.

What little boys wants to fly?

I am glad they humoured me.

Days 1-4 ~30 Days project Nature

Day 1

Spring is here!

I like fall better because I know after spring comes summer and the crazy hot weather.

I do think it is pretty though.

Day 2

Gifts of love from my two little boys.

Day 3

I was trying to get a different perspective of this tulip so I used a little cedar trees branches to frame it.

Day 4

I believe this is a winged elm.

Love this tree.

For you photographers out there, I am shooting and editing all this project in RAW.

I edit my raw files in Darktable.

I am too set on using my Gimp program that only edits jpegs.

I always take my professional pics in jpeg and raw but I would like to convert to raw only.