365 Days Sepia

Sometimes black and white is too cool for me, so I warm it up a little with some sepia tones.

I did not use it a lot but I did still wanted to share some of my favorites.

My Great Grandfathers boots. They bit the dust during this project…

I was having a six year old moment

What? You don’t go sit in a mud puddle in your new white dresses?


I had makeup on! It’s a miracle!

Wearing my favorite mittens. They have seen a lot of use during this project.

Next is my favorite color photos!

Maybe I will be able to find one with me smiling?

Or maybe not…

365 Days Black and White

In the previous post I showed my favorite images from my 365 project that included my boys.

In this one I am sharing my favorite black and white images.

One of my top reasons for converting a picture to black and white is to unclutter it.

It makes you focus not on the color but the texture, a facial expression, or a setting.

Because I have red hair that tends to be the first thing you notice in a picture of me. If I do not want you to notice the color of my hair but the whole picture I tend to convert it to black and white.

There are many other reasons, sometimes it is just in a black and white mood.

I wanted to be sure and share the things that I have learned or taken from this project.

One of the most unexpected things I came away with was being more comfortable in my own skin!

Maybe that is not a surprise to the rest of you that taking a picture of yourself EVERYDAY for a year would increase your confidence but it shocked me.

Trying to take a beautiful image of myself everyday, helped with seeing myself as beautiful.

The parts of me that I did not see as my best features became the thing that set me apart.

The models with the most “interesting” faces make the best subjects.

So maybe that part of you that you wish you could change the most, is the thing that makes you beautiful just how you are.

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers womb” Psalms 139:13 NIV

Thanks for looking!

Next post will be my favorite sepia images from my 365.