Ava 1yr ~Tulsa Area Photographer

The weather had been nice and cool and then of course the day of the shoot it was back in the 80’s! Still nice but not really sweater weather. Lily and Ava were good sports though and let us put them in fall clothing!

I have been following little Ava for one whole year! I cannot believe it! I have loved documenting her first year and all her accomplishments, sitting up, crawling and finally walking. If you want to see all the pictures I have taken of her click on the tag “ava” at the bottom of this post.


I thought her little dress was perfect for this little bike!ava1yrbike

She is so adorable!avabikelooking

I am pretty sure this is when they spotted my boys…it took a little bit to get them into taking pictures again.girlsbike


Their Grandparents were in town visiting so we got to include them in the shoot! I love the shots we got!

When I asked Stephanie(the girls mom) what kinds of pictures she was wanting she just said, “do what you do”. No wonder we get along so well!

Thank you Stephanie for your confidence in me!grandparents2

I love Ava’s little tongue sticking out!grandparents

grandpaavaHappy faces are the best!




Getting tickled by Grandma.avagrandparents2


She was trying to lift it…avapumpkin


“Sneaking” up on Grandpa to tickle him.lilysneaking

I love that she was having fun!avalaugh


Everyone should eat their cake in a field while wearing a tutu from now on. avacake




avacakefaceHappy Birthday Ava and Lily! Their birthdays are in the same month!