
I love this family and was so excited to get to do Miss Penny’s 3month pictures! I cannot believe it has been 3months since I did her newborn session!

I have wildflowers in my backyard right now so I was really happy they could come to my house! I do not think it gets any better then a baby in a basket surrounded by flowers.

3monthfeetI am a little feet lover


This goofiness is this photographers dream, I love big brother watching with amusement 3monthall2

Beautiful little boys3monthboys


Just Beautiful!3monthpenny2

Keeping up with her brothers3monthpenny3


This image makes me want a little girl3monthpenny4

And I would keep her in a basket all day in the midst of flowers3monthpenny5

3monthpenny6Now everyone wants a little girl I am sure! She is precious!

My little men

I have committed myself to taking a self-portrait everyday for a year, looking back this might have been a bit of an overcommitment.

My boys enjoy going outside with me to take pictures, not to actually be in them. They just want to play.

So while I am trying to take this




And this

jumping3webIs going on in front of me

fishingwebSometimes I can’t help it and have to stop what I am doing to take a picture of what they are doing!

And sometimes it becomes this

boyswebThey make for really cute distractions and sometimes my inspiration

Rhema&Emily~Wedding Portraits

This is actually the first couple that I had the opportunity to take Engagement and Wedding portraits of! I love when I get to continue the story!

It was a beautiful day in the park and I was a little giddy when I realized the groom and the groomsmen were in uniform! The combination of a white dress and dark blue uniform is so perfect.

Rhema and Emily are so much fun to shoot! Emily is so relaxed in front of the camera and is always willing to try something. I might have asked more than humanly possible a couple of times…but she still tried it!


Love the uniforms!webemwed30bw

One of my favorite shots! Emily suggested the pose!webemwed49

Emily’s sister with her son, he also gave Emily away. webemwed13bw

Emily’s little man in daddy’s armswebemwed34bw

She is so gorgeous! webemwed53bw








