Tag Archives: day in the life

Our Homeschool Day -2022

Here is a look into my day of homeschooling 10th, 5th, and 2nd grade. I have five kids but 4 are doing the same grade as a sibling 😉

My boys have been starting school before my girls for a while now but since I switched my twins to the Teaching Textbooks app they have been starting early also!

My twins take turns eating so while one is eating breakfast and getting ready the other usually starts her math for the day.

I have really liked our switch to Teaching Textbooks for my twins so far! It has basically helped me keep my sanity, for the most part.

The first things my boys work on are their dual enrollment classes through a local college.

They are taking physics and composition this semester through them. There have been some hiccups that made me question all my life choices but they are doing well. I just realize that I don’t like working around other people’s time tables. Ha

After eating and morning chores are done we usually go for a walk, I had one that was tired this day so we opted for just playing outside (she also did not want to be in any pictures so one is missing from our day).


After our outside break my youngest starts on her books. One on phonics and one that helps with switching B’s and D’s. While my twins finish up math and if they are being fast they will start on their folder work, phonics and handwriting.

Next they eat lunch while watching an educational video or a cooking video(which I still call educational) and do quiet time. Sometimes the girls will read or they listen to an audiobook during quiet time. The boys do the same. I hide in my room…

After quiet time it can get a bit crazy as I try to work with my youngest on her math and my twins usually need help with their folder work. No one is allowed to ask me for help if I am helping someone else which has really helped with me feeling overwhelmed.

Next up is reading, all three of my youngest kids read aloud to me everyday.

My twins are currently reading “Heroes in Black History” by Dave and Neta Jackson for their history. They were reading aloud an abeka science before this.

I like to sneak history and science in with their reading, audiobook listening or our nightly read alouds instead of trying to do a specific curriculum for those things.

This is the end of our school day.

We are usually done by 2pm.

My boys are pretty much independent except for me checking over history assignments and making sure they are getting their work done.

I really enjoy looking over how our day has changed over the years!

Here is the last one I did in 2018! Our Homeschool Day ~2018

I had planned to do one of these so many times over the last several years but every time it ended up being a REALLY rough day! This day was not super easy but I decided done was better than perfect! Ha

Our Homeschool Day ~2018

If you want to see how things have changed, check out previous posts.

Day in the Life 2017

Day in the Life 2015

My boys start school while my girls are eating and doing chores (the boys get up earlier and do some chores before breakfast and some after school).

That way I can help them more with their math and go over their grammar without too many distractions (in theory).

I was having too many kids asking for help with different things at once.

This staggers the questions a bit.


We are trying out the Brave Writer program so I was giving my second oldest dictation here.

And trying to keep my 3yr old from kicking the stack of papers off my desk…

The boys have to get Math done before anything else and then need to do Writing, Grammar, and Spelling before moving on to other subjects.

Otherwise, they put off the harder subjects and just read all day.

After chores, the girls start on their school.

Usually, they do their math first and if I am busy they will do their handwriting.

I do a lesson with one of the twins on one day and practice with the other that same day.

The next day we switch.

Practice includes a math card game, review of previous days lesson, math game, and a practice sheet.

I only work with one of the twins at a time even though they are in the same grade.

They just do best when they are separate.

I try to get the twins math done before lunch.

They think better in the mornings.

We eat lunch pretty early (11 am) and take turns eating.

Right after lunch is Read-aloud time and then quiet time.

This is when I read the girls their history and science.

All the kids listen while I read our current read-aloud book though, Little House on the Prairie (I forgot to get a picture).

After quiet time we usually go for a walk.

It helps to get all the wiggles out so they can finish up the rest of their school.

My oldest needed me to give him spelling words.

I feel like a lot of my day is trying to give things to my 3-year-old to keep her entertained.

She usually lasts 5 minutes on something she really likes…

We were not able to get all the math done in the morning so I worked on that right away with my twins.

I always wonder if my kids will even need to read an analog clock when they grow up.


Her faces while playing the math card game…


The boys do their independent work the rest of the day.

History, Science, Reading, Khan Math, Typing, and Programming.

The twins schedule is:


Math, Reading, Social Studies, and Handwriting.


Math, Reading, Spelling, Grammar, and Handwriting.

I try to do something with my 3yr old a couple of times a week but try to encourage her to play more than anything.

My boys’ schedule:

Math, Grammar, Spelling, Writing.

History(except Wed and Fri), Science, Reading, Typing (twice a week), Programming (twice a week).

Project (once a week), 10min Khan Math, and Geography (not daily).


I took video also on this day!

So here is the video I made on the same day.

Our Homeschool Day~January 2017

The last Homeschool Day I shared was January of 2015.

I only had two kids to teach.

I now teach 4 (and a half).


My 2yr old does not like being left out so I do a little lesson with her on most days.

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I  am trying to start our day with a short story or poem with all of my kids.

Then one of the boys plays with the 2yr old and the other starts his math.



I do reading with one of the girls.

The other does an independent reading project, like word matching cards.


I then switch and my other daughter reads to me while the other does independent work.



When I am done with both of the twins it is my youngest’s turn.

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We work on letter sounds, numbers, and simple things like farm animals or butterflies.

After I am done with her lesson we usually go for a walk.

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The boys can do most of their work independently.

They just need writing assignments, new books for their school shelf, and their work monitored.

I also will give them science or history projects.

For our current study they are researching the Erie Canal with the knowledge they will have to build a working canal with a lock.

I tie together the boys history, geography, science, and literature by time period.


For instance, they are studying the war of 1812, the Erie Canal, Francis Scott Key, Peter Cartwright, Steamboats, Mark Twain, and Beethoven at the same time.

I put all their books on one shelf.


Here are steamboats that they made.

I actually had them research and make their own prototypes first.

Then I gave them some sites with directions and needed to help them troubleshoot.


We eat lunch and have quiet time.

The boys do their reading during quiet time.


I am usually correcting in the midst of working with one.


After quiet time and snack I start the twins math lessons.

They do not learn well together so even though they are learning the same thing I do the lesson with one at a time.

Sometimes they are able to finish their math lesson, but often they need extra help to pay attention and need to wait for Nick to get home.


This is probably a pretty honest picture of how our lessons go.

I have found holding a hot cup of tea calms me.

Sometimes I just need to hold my cup of tea, breath, and think of how I can explain something so that it is understood.

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The boys and girls both do the same math curriculum (RightStart Math).

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Once in a while we do projects all together.

Most of the time the boys do projects independently.


I like how calm these pictures make it look.

It was not calm.

It was a thousand questions and a toddler that kept spilling things.

Not questions about the science of it by the way.


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If you follow me on Instagram, you have probably seen these.

I took the first group of pictures at the same time to show what everyone does at a given moment.


This one shows the aftermath of our math lessons…


Hope you liked getting a peek into what our day might look like.


I have found I have to be flexible most days.